With the Kennedy's getting headlines this week for endorsing Sen. Barack Obama, (D-Ill.), speculation has begun as to the two big endorsements left in the Democratic camp: Who will get the backing of former Vice President Al Gore and former presidential candidate John Edwards.
The endorsement of Mr. Edwards would certainly be a coup for Mr. Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton, (D-NY), but the voters who have backed Mr. Edwards had the chance to pick both candidates and chose otherwise. These voters are pushed into the unenviable position of having to choose the candidate they find to be the lesser of two evils—sort of where the whole country was in 2004. Popular wisdom suggests that Mr. Edwards will sit on his endorsement for many weeks and may not say anything until much closer to the convention in Denver.
But Mr. Gore will not hold his endorsement much longer, especially with almost half the country due to vote next Tuesday. He will likely announce his support of Mrs. Clinton in the next few days if it appears that her standing suffers now that it is a horse race.
Why the certainty about who Mr. Gore will endorse? Follow the money.
Mr. Gore's television network, Current_TV, is financed by supermarket magnate Ron Burkle and Steve Rattner of the Quadrangle Group. Both men are big supporters of the Democratic Party and each has ties to the Clintons.
Former President Bill Clinton has ties with Mr. Burkle in business and in politics. They two appear to be friends.
Meanwhile, Mr. Rattner is married to Hillary Clinton supporter and Democratic Party bigwig, Maureen White.
Can there be any doubt that Mr. Gore will support Mrs. Clinton?
It's like there is a vast left-wing conspiracy against Mr. Obama.