Now that we have a president who openly admits to secret US prisons and torture, a president who believes in kidnapping and a blanket threat posed by an entire group of people, I wonder what possibly could be next on his agenda.
I am often tempted to write screeds here, shouting about the Nazification (hey the other side can make up words, why can't I?) of America. It's difficult to believe so passionately in the possibility of this country all the while watching as it is destroyed from within. When will sanity return?
Democrats are impotent, the news media is ignorant and the populace isn't interested. There is no public outcry about the erosion of the Constitution. There is no real public debate about the use of torture on "enemy combatants." Where is the "Greatest Generation," the ones who won World War II? Where are the ones who said "Never Again?"
The great irony of our time is that the right uses imagery and mimicry of that time to bamboozle the people. Don't like what the left is saying; accuse them of using Nazi propaganda techniques. []
Don't like the growing anti-war sentiment, accuse them of appeasing Hitler. [,0,7356486.story?coll=la-home-headlines]
Don't like journalists poking around, accuse them of ties to terrorists and arrest them, shooting him first if need be. [ and at]
When it becomes hard to discern the truth from the lies people stop listening. Soon we will have national identification cards. When do we get the swastikas?
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